Meet the Babies That Were Sacrificed for Vaccines
Meet the babies that were sacrificed and used in the name of “herd immunity” and for “the greater good”.
At least they didn’t go completely to waste, right? At least scientists were able to turn something horrible into something “good”, right?
Meet baby PER.C6, cell line from retinal tissue of an 18 week old fetus aborted in 1985, further developed and prepared as cell line in 1995.
There was nothing special in the family history, or the pregnancy. It was completely normal up to the 18 weeks, and it turned out to be a socially indicated abortus, abortus provocatus. It was simply because the woman wanted to get rid of the fetus.
Key excerpts from the above document: Dr. Van Der Eb, Crucel, NV is speaking…
“So, I isolated retina from a fetus, from a healthy fetus as far as could be seen, of 18 weeks old. There was nothing special with a family history or the pregnancy was completely normal up to the 18 weeks, and it turned out to be a socially indicated abortus – abortus provocatus, and that was simply because the woman wanted to get rid of the fetus.
The father was not known not to the hospital anymore, what was written down was unknown father, and that was, in fact, the reason why the abortion was requested.
There was permission, et cetera, and that was, however, was in 1985, ten years before this. This shows that the cells were isolated in October 1985, Laeiden University in my lab. At that time already ’85, I should say the cells were frozen, stored in liquid nitrogen, and in 1995 one of these was thawed for the generation of the PER.C6 cells.
And this is the final slide just showing you some comparisons between 293 and PER.C6. Again, I remind you that both cell lines were made in my lab for different reasons. The objective, as I indicated, is for 293–was basic research, and we have done many different transformation studies after that, not transformation studies, but gene expressions studies with human embryonic kidney cells in the years following that up to now, I would say.
Meet baby PER C6 was made JUST FOR PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURING OF ADENOVIRUS VECTORS. As to RCA free, PER.C6 are RCA Free. The history documentation of the cell line has been carried out completely for PER. C6 and was not done at that time for 293.
And then pharmaceutical industry standards… I realize that this sounds a bit commercial, but PER C6 were made for that particular purpose.”
Meet baby HEK293, these cells were generated in 1973 by transfection of cultures of normal human embryonic kidney cells with sheared adenovirus in Alex van der Eb’s laboratory in Leiden, the Netherlands. The cells were obtained from a single, apparently healthy, legally aborted fetus under Dutch law; the identity of the parent and the reason for the abortion are unknown.
In the FDA report found at
Key statement…Page 81 lines 14-22
“So, the Kidney material, the fetal kidney material was as follows. The kidney of the fetus was, with an unknown family history, was obtained in 1972 probably. The precise date is not known anymore.
The fetus, as far as I can remember was completely normal. Nothing was wrong. The reasons for the abortion were unknown to me. I probably knew it at the time, but it got lost, all this information.”
Therefore, not just two abortions.
Defenders of vaccines will state that these cell lines were taken from just two fetuses, which were aborted many years ago.
Unfortunately, there is evidence that over 80 fetuses were aborted for the research and development of the rubella vaccine alone:
Meet baby RA 27/3, the virus strain used in the MMR (rubella-component) vaccine, is also harvested from aborted fetal tissue. This strain is better known as RA 27/3 (R=Rubella, A=Abortus, 27=27th fetus, 3=3rd tissue explant) and was obtained from a fetus whose mother had rubella during pregnancy and performed an abortion because of risk of fetal damage. Makes sense, right? RA 27/3 is also grown in cell line WI-38.
A later research paper by Stanley Plotkin would reveal that 40 more babies were aborted after RA27/3 was successfully isolated, with virus strains taken from 34 of them. This means a total of over 80 separate, elective abortions recorded were involved in the research and final production of the present day rubella vaccine: 21 from the original WI-1 through WI-26 fetal cell lines that failed, plus WI-38 itself, plus 67 from the attempts to isolate the rubella virus.”
– Children of God for Life, Vaccines and Abortions.
To develop diploid human cell strains, Hayflick and Moorhead began cultivating cells from 25 different tissues retrieved from aborted fetuses. Those cells became 25 different human cell strains, named numerically WI-1 through WI-25. The WI stood for Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the cell strains were developed. Hayflick and Moorhead used fetal tissues because, more than adult cells, fetal cells more readily developed into fibroblast cells, which are specialized cells that provide structural support to most body tissues.
These were all the cells taken from murdered babies WI-1 through WI-27 until their experiment on murdered unborn baby WI-38 was a “success”.
WI-1 aborted baby’s lung cells
WI-2 aborted baby’s skin and muscle cells
WI-3 aborted baby’s lung cells (This wouldn’t cause any lung disease, right?)
WI-4 aborted baby’s kidney cells (This wouldn’t cause kidney disease, right?)
WI-5 aborted baby’s muscle cells
WI-6 aborted baby’s kidney cells
WI-7 aborted baby’s thymus and thyroid cells (This wouldn’t cause any autoimmune conditions, right?)
WI-8 aborted baby’s skin, muscle, kidney
WI-9 aborted baby’s skin cells
WI-10 aborted baby’s kidney cells
WI-11 aborted baby’s lung cells
WI-12 aborted baby’s skin and muscle cells
WI-13 aborted baby’s kidney cells
WI-14 aborted baby’s skin cells
WI-15 aborted baby’s kidney cells
WI-16 aborted baby’s lung cells
WI-17 aborted baby’s liver cells (This wouldn’t cause any liver disease, right?)
WI-18 aborted baby’s lung tissue
WI-19 aborted baby’s lung tissue
WI-20 aborted baby’s skin and muscle
WI-21 aborted baby’s heart cells (This wouldn’t cause any heart disease, right?)
WI-22 aborted baby’s heart cells
WI-23 aborted baby’s lung cells
WI-24 aborted baby’s lung cells
WI-25 aborted baby’s lung cells
WI-26, WI-26 VA4: An SV40 transformed derivative of WI-26, a human diploid cell line derived from embryonic lung tissue of a 3 month gestational aged male Caucasian.
WI-27, when this aborted baby’s cells “failed”, cells were then obtained from WI-38 which was “successful”.
Meet baby WI-38, this cell was obtained from a woman who was three months pregnant, but she didn’t want another child. In 1962, at a hospital in Sweden, she had a legal abortion.
The fetus — female, 20 centimeters long and wrapped in a sterile green cloth — was delivered to the Karolinska Institute in northwest Stockholm. There, the lungs were dissected, packed on ice and dispatched to the airport, where they were loaded onto a transatlantic flight.
Take a look at this informative article by which provides descriptions of some of the vaccine excipients and media. Then go to the MMR vaccine. Under the heading titled, “Gross Mediums and Process Ingredients”, you’ll find “WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts”.
From the link, this is the description of “WI-38”:
“Winstar Institute 38, human diploid lung fibroblasts derived from the lung tissues of a female fetus aborted because the family felt they had too many children in 1964 in the United States.”
The WI-38 fetus was aborted at three months (or about 14 weeks) gestation. These cells are even available for purchase online.
Meet baby IMR-90, was derived by W.W. Nichols and associates from the lungs of a 16-week Caucasian female fetus on July 7, 1975, from a therapeutic abortion performed on a thirty-eight-year-old white mother of six. Used as an alternate for…
WI-44, aborted lungs cells from a 3 gestational month old female fetus used in an experiment along with the cells of deceased adults.
Meet baby MCR-5, derived from lung tissue of a 14 week old male fetus who was aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. Vaccines cultivated on these lines are rubella (German measles), varicella (chickenpox), hepatitis A and rabies. Developed for the Medical Research Council 5 in England.
– Right to Life, Life Notes: Vaccines, Abortion, & Fetal Tissue.
“Medical Research Council 5, human diploid cells (cells containing two sets of chromosomes) derived from the normal lung tissues of a 14-week-old male fetus aborted for “psychiatric reasons” in 1966 in the United Kingdom, Eagle’s Basal Medium in Earle’s balanced salt solution with bovine serum.”
MRC-5 cells are available for purchase online.
Meet baby MRC-9, the cells were derived from the lungs of a female fetus in 1974, whose gestational age was about fifteen weeks. The fetus was of normal development and was delivered of a fourteen-year-old mother whose pregnancy was terminated by therapeutic abortion because she was unmarried. The medical history of the mother and her family indicated nothing abnormal according to information given by the gynecologist who performed the operation. The lungs were dissected from the fetus immediately following the abortion.
FHs74Int, small intestine obtained from 3-4 month gestational age of a female.
Meet baby Walvax-2, which was derived from the lung tissue of a 3-month-old fetus. Currently being studied for future use.
Since cell lines WI-38 and MRC-5 are approaching the end of their ability to self-replicate, a group of Chinese vaccine researchers, Bo Ma et al, have developed a new (human diploid) cell strain, Walvax-2. And just as in the 1960s, Leonard Hayflick (WI-38) and JP Jacobs (MRC-5) derived their respective cell substrates from 2-4 month-old electively aborted lung fetal tissue. So, Bo Ma et al. in 2015 derived their cell strain from the lung fibroblast tissue of a three month-old electively aborted fetus. The research report of Bo Ma and his Chinese colleagues concludes that because Walvax-2 cells replicated more rapidly than MRC-5 cells, attained the same degree of confluence in 48 hours as was reached by MRC-5 cells in 72 hours, and attained 58 passages of cell doublings over 48 passages with MRC-5 cells. This made the Walvax-2 cell banks a promising cell substrate and could potentially be used for the manufacturing of human diploid cell vaccines.
They used a special means of induction called the water bag method, so they or someone they delegated, could deliver to Bo Ma et al intact fetal cadavers with fresh organs which would facilitate, in turn, the ready harvest of the needed fetal fibroblast lung tissue from which they developed the human diploid cell strain conducive to the growth of the respective viruses (rabies, hepatitis-A and varicella [chicken-pox]).
How is this done today?
According to an interview Christianity Daily did with Pamela Acker, samples are supposed to be gathered within five minutes of the abortion. Therefore, miscarried babies cannot become samples because the cells will no longer be alive for researchers to use them. The extraction of the live fetal cells happens with unborn babies subjected to extreme amounts of pain.
They will deliver these babies via cesarean section. The babies are still alive when the researchers start extracting the tissue; to the point where their heart is still beating, and they’re not given any anesthetic, because that would disrupt the cells that the researchers are trying to extract. They’re removing this tissue, while the baby is alive and in extreme pain. This is satanic. You can read more at this link
My Bible says thou shalt not kill as one of the Ten Commandments. Do you see why I continue to say you cannot be pro-life and pro-vax? Do you see now one of the many reasons why Courtney and I are now ex-vaxxers?
If you are still wondering about the COVID-19 shot, yes, it is done the same way.
Now that you have had the opportunity to meet the babies that were sacrificed and used in the name of “herd immunity” and for “the greater good” in vaccines, will you continue? You might want to look into homeoprophylaxis as an ethical option.
With love and purpose,
Kim Seymour LVN and Courtney Seymour
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