The Aborted Human Fetal Tissue Industry, Abortion & Vaccine Triangle
This blog post is in honor of my daughter, Courtney’s, recovered health crisis due to vaccine injuries in which many doctors six years ago told her was all in her head. She underwent heart surgery that the cardiologist was unable to explain the reason for. Did her recent shots put it there and how? I began a researching journey to find answers. If you want to know the answers, you can purchase your copy of Courtney’s Healing Journey here. Or go to your favorite online bookstore. It is sold online internationally. Back to the vaccines, what are the ingredients of the vaccines she had received? I began seeing the words aborted human fetal tissue frequently on various sources.
When I was told she had suffered vaccine injuries, it was a relief to finally know what was happening. I still had a lot more research to do but at least this knowledge narrowed it down. I began to become curious as to what the ingredients of the vaccines she had received were. So, I turned to various reputable sources. I began seeing the words “human diploid cells” very frequently on various sources.
What? Why was the word “human” listed in multiple vaccines’ ingredients? Of course, this grew into four years of research which was dating all the way back to the 1930s! My research has revealed a sixty-year link between vaccines and the abortion industry, proving the use of human aborted fetal tissue in many vaccines. My research not only revealed the connection of abortions in vaccine research and development, but other extremely disturbing details, such as the unethical deception of expectant mothers, the torture of aborted babies (which are usually born and dissected alive) and the trafficking of and profiting from aborted babies’ organs, tissues, and body parts.
This long history directly contradicts the narrative that scientific researchers used ONLY two aborted babies during vaccine development in the 1960s. Instead, they have used millions and STILL COUNTING.
I have two purposes for writing this blog post. The first, my realization that many Christians and Cristian ministries have unknowingly repeated this false narrative which is intentionally propagated by the abortion industry to cover up a corrupt history. As a pro-life Christian, I want to provide an accurate history for those who care about, have written about, or have spoken about this issue as well. Like I used to be, many may not realize how the promotion of vaccines using human fetal tissue may undermine their overall efforts to stop the legalization of abortion and the legislation surrounding it.
My second purpose for writing this blog post, centers on the push to mandate the COVID shots and remove parental rights by eliminating religious exemptions. Prior to learning the ingredients of vaccines, I didn’t understand why someone would want to exercise a religious exemption. I pray this blog post will open your eyes and motivate you to action, as it has me.
We all deserve to know the TRUTH.
For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:13-14 (KJV)
To say there is a connection between vaccines and abortion would raise an eyebrow for many. I know it raised mine! To say some vaccines are cultured on human fetal cell lines from aborted babies and contain human DNA and protein might be outright shocking to most pro-life Christians. I know I was shocked! Especially as a nurse!
The fact that the vaccine industry has used aborted babies over the past sixty years is a fact the vaccine and abortion industries do not want the public to know about. For this reason, they have intentionally repeated a narrative year after year that is a horrifically false version of the truth.
The following statements by Dr. Paul Offit of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine summarizes the narrative repeated by many:
“One question that some parents are concerned about is whether or not vaccines are made using fetal cells. And the answer to that question is, yes.
Now, there were two elective abortions that were performed in the early 1960s. One was performed in England, the other was performed in Sweden. And those two elective abortions then created cells which have been used ever since. (Emphasis added)
Now, the answer to the question, is it true then that some of these vaccines that I’ve just mentioned could contain small quantities of residual DNA from those cells? And the answer to that question is, yes.
These same embryonic cells obtained from the early 1960s have continued to grow in the laboratory and are used to make vaccines today. No further sources of fetal cells are needed to make these vaccines.” (Emphasis added)
These statements contain horrifically unfortunate misconceptions that stand in complete contradiction to the facts provided by the original researchers who developed human fetal cell lines WI-38, RA27/3, and MRC-5. The history in this blog post provides a crystal clear and extremely accurate picture.
In addition to horrifically unfortunate misconceptions surrounding the creation of the original cell lines in the 1960s, there is a consistent, 60-year history of the biotechnology industry and its progression of developing fetal cell lines using aborted babies. This is not an industry that used two babies who “would have been aborted anyway” years ago. Absolutely not. Years ago, over a hundred babies were aborted in the quest to develop human fetal cell lines for the purpose of producing live virus vaccines. In fact, researchers used as many aborted babies as necessary to obtain their “desired” outcomes.
Biotechnology companies did not stop there but have shown their use of aborted babies to be a ROUTINE industry practice in the ongoing pursuit of creating NEW human fetal cell lines. The vaccine industry has been consistent from the early 1960s to as recently as 2015 with the newest Walvax-2 fetal cell line.
The history presented in this blog post will show:
- There are currently three main cell lines in use, not two.
- Over 100 abortions in the 1960s were used to develop these cell lines, not only two.
- Human fetal cell line development has been ongoing since the original three were created.
- Human fetal cell line use has become the industry standard.
- Hundreds of new “vaccines” are currently in development and the industry wants viable human fetal cell lines for production.
- The supply of aborted babies for research is ongoing and has now become an entire industry utilizing third party, middleman companies.
- The treatment of the babies (who are alive after abortion) is gruesome and horrifying.
- The development of WI-38 began what is now a well-established industry projected to reach over $50.42 billion by 2023, expanding beyond vaccines to other products and medications.
The First Fetal Cell Line Is Known As WI-38.
Human embryonic tissues were first used in vaccines between the 1930s and 1950s to cultivate the polio virus. However, it was not until 1961 that Dr. Leonard Hayflick of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, began the first research and development around human fetal cell lines.
Prior to the development of human fetal cell lines, viral vaccines were typically cultured on animal tissue such as rhesus monkey cells. One of the unintended consequences discovered long after polio vaccines’ use all over the world was its contamination by the cancer-causing SV-40 virus. This may have been one reason Hayflick turned to human fetal cell lines for use in culturing vaccines. Another reason was his deep concern for the possible extinction of the monkey species used – an attitude that reveals the lack of value he places on human life.
Hayflick’s research required live tissue from aborted babies, but abortion was over a decade from becoming legal through Roe v. Wade. Instead of allowing that lack of legalization to impede his research, Hayflick called on his friend and colleague, Dr. Sven Gard of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The two began a collaboration that would extend through the eventual production of the WI-38 human fetal cell line. Hayflick’s colleague, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, went on to also collaborate with Gard for his work developing a second human fetal cell line.
For two years, Hayflick worked to test and develop many human fetal cell lines for viability of use with vaccines. The role of Gard’s laboratory was to secure live tissue from aborted babies, dissect them and send the tissues to the Wistar Institute. In fact, all aborted babies were intentional “chosen by Dr. Sven Gard, specifically for this purpose.” Paving the way through research on a new frontier took much trial and error, but Hayflick was persistent. The first aborted baby produced his first cell line, WI-1 (Wistar Institute, 1st fetal sample), While he learned a great deal from this first fetal cell line, it was not viable for vaccine production. Pressing forward, he continued using aborted baby after aborted baby to develop cell lines through WI-38. At this point, the lung tissue of an aborted three to four-month gestation girl had finally given him the viable fetal cell line for which he was searching. For reasons unclear, Hayflick continued his research up through fetal cell line WI-44.
Two of Hayflick’s early scientific publications provide thoroughly documented details of human fetal cell lines in his research, while details on his other cell lines are scarce. For example, at least 23 documented abortions- and very likely many more- were performed during the process of finding the viable WI-38 fetal cell line and the research that continued through WI-44. Fetal cell lines WI-1 to WI-27, WI-38, and WI-44 are described in detail and account for 23 abortions. Unfortunately, because there seem to be no journal articles detailing WI-28 to WI-37 and WI-39 to WI-43, a definitive number of abortions cannot be provided. Based on his published research for the other fetal cell lines, it is reasonable to assume that up to 15 more abortions were used. It is clear, however, that well above 23 aborted babies (possible as many as 38) were used in the development of the original human fetal cell line at the Wistar Institute.
WI-38 is still in use today, despite its aging, tumorigenic-prone (cancer-causing) cells. It is found in the MMR-II (MMR), ProQuad (MMRV), Varivax (Varicella) and Adenovirus vaccines.
The Second, And Lesser Known, Viral Fetal Cell Line Is RA 27/3.
In 1964, the pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. began development of its rubella vaccine. The research team, led by Dr. Stanley Plotkin of the Wistar Institute and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, obtained 76 embryos for multiple studies, including attempts to establish human fetal cell strains. Forty embryos were used as the team worked to isolate the rubella virus in human fetal tissue. With abortion still illegal in the United States, Plotkin continued the collaboration between the Wistar Institute and Dr. Gard in Sweden, obtaining live tissue from surgically aborted babies. Spontaneous abortions in two Philadelphia hospitals were also used.
The timing was expedient as the 1964 rubella epidemic in the United States and Europe led to an ample number of vulnerable pregnant mothers. The 27th aborted baby was “dissected immediately,” and the rubella strain they obtained was used for Merck’s vaccine. The viral strain is logically called RA 27/3 (Rubella, Abortus, 27th fetus, 3rd tissue culture explant). It is unclear why 13 more abortions were used after the rubella strain had been isolated.
Of the 40 abortion, 16 babies tested negative for rubella. Those rubella-free babies taken by surgical abortion were sacrificed for “science” and died unnecessarily. Adding insult to injury, other viable rubella strains had already been obtained without using abortion before Plotkin’s research began.
The rubella vaccine is commonly cited to have used at least 80 aborted babies in its development.
Merck’s Rubella Vaccine Is WI-38 And RA 27/3, Combined.
After the rubella virus had been isolated, they wanted it to be cultivated on live cells to create the vaccine. Fetal cell line WI-38 was chosen and used to create the final vaccine product. As a result, Merck’s rubella vaccine contains two different fetal cell products, RA 27/3 and WI-38, and is found in the MMR-II (MMR) and ProQuad (MMRV) vaccines.
This brief history only covers WI-38’s development and the creation of one vaccine, rubella, using its fetal cell line, and unveils the death and use of over 100 aborted babies from Sweden. The commonly cited misconception that only two aborted babies were used for the development of human fetal cell lines to create vaccines is therefore proven grossly incorrect.
The Unethical Testing
Upon development of the rubella vaccine, Plotkin tested it on orphans as young as 14 months old, “institutionalized children” and those with developmental disabilities noting, “thirteen scronegative mentally retarded children were given RA 27/3 vaccine. Testing using vulnerable, young populations is unethical.
Plotkin’s choices are consistent with other professional choices he has made over the years. In other experiments, he used babies of mothers in prison, and performed experimental studies on over one million babies of mothers in the Belgian Congo under, then, colonial rule.
Many documented examples exist to illustrate Plotkin’s low value of human life. In a letter to the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine regarding ethics and human experimentation, Plotkin publicly defended a fellow researcher who had conducted 14 years of unethical experimental testing on already sick and mistreated patients at Willowbrook, a state facility. The inhumane conditions and abuse of its patients were exposed by Geraldo Rivera in 1972, leading to its eventual closing. Plotkin acknowledged authorship of his letter about the Willowbrook experimentation as recently as 2018 in a deposition. His letter defending the use and abuse of patients at Willowbrook stated,
“The question is whether we are to have experiments performed on fully functioning adults, and on children who are potential contributors to society, or are to perform initial studies in children and adults who are human in form but not in social potential. It may be objected that this question implies a Nazi philosophy, but I do not think that it is difficult to distinguish nonfunctioning persons from members of ethnic, racial, economic or other groups.” (Emphasis added)
Plotkin, being a self-avowed atheist, reveals in these statements his core beliefs about life, its value and origin. His worldview of moral relativism is seen most clearly when he said,
“Mortality must be defined by circumstances and facts. To my mind, the Willowbrook studies are justified by the facts concerning risk and by the benefits to society.” (Emphasis added)
Plotkin is considered the leading authority on vaccines today, having helped develop more vaccines than anyone in the world. He regularly advises pharmaceutical companies and vaccine developers and teaches vaccination courses around the world. He co-authored Vaccines, a textbook considered the foremost authority on the subject.
As the previous quotations evidence, he is open and vocal about his lack of respect for basic human dignity. We must ask ourselves if an industry which is so heavily influenced, even to this day, by a man who defends experimental research on these most needy and defenseless children is worthy of our respect. Are his recommendations to the industry worthy of our unquestioning compliance?
The Third, And Most Widely Used, Fetal Cell Line Is MRC-5.
Following Hayflick and Plotkin, the Medical Research Council in the United Kingdom, led by Dr. JP Jacobs, developed fetal cell line MRC-5 in 1966. A 14-week gestation baby boy was aborted for psychiatric reasons from a physically healthy 27-year-old mother. There were likely other abortions leading up to this one. The introduction of MRC-5 gave us the most recent of three main cell lines in use today.
MRC-5 has become the most widely used human fetal cell line. Its use continues today in vaccines like ProQuad (MMRV), Quadracel (DTaP-IPV), Pentacel (DTaP-IPV/Hib), Twinrix (Hep A/Hep B), Vaqta (Hep A), Havrix (Hep A), Imovax (Rabies), Varivax (Varicella), and Zostavax (Shingles).
The Fetal Cell Lines After 1966
As previously stated, a common misconception exists that only two fetal cell lines with two corresponding abortions were used to create modern day vaccines. Since the initial fetal cell lines, researchers have continued fetal cell line development, some through the funding of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). A few of these fetal cell lines are HEK-293, MRC-7, MRC-9, IMR-90, IMR-91, TIG-1, PER.C6, HER 911, KMB-17, and Walvax-2. Many of these fetal cell lines can easily be purchased online. Every one of these represents an untold number of abortions.
This is NOT an exhaustive list, but it clearly demonstrates the pharmaceutical industry’s consistent practice of using aborted babies for ongoing fetal cell research.
The Newest Fetal Cell Line Is Walvax-2.
Chinese researchers worked for four years developing the Walvax-2 cell line intending it to “be used in manufacturing viral vaccines.” A 2015 paper notes the diminishing supply of WI-38 and MRC-5, which are currently the most widely used human fetal cell lines. Since WI-38 and MRC-5 are the industry standards. Walvax-2 researchers followed “the methods of Jacobs in 1970 and Hayflick in 1961. The new cell line was then tested against MRC-5 and found to be “equal or superior to MRC-5 for the propagation of viruses.”
Nine babies were intentionally aborted to develop Walvax-2. It was eventually a three-month gestation girl whose lung tissue was used for the final product.
Walvax-2 researchers used the “water bag” abortion method in order to ensure the babies were born alive and the tissues were “fresh”. This method is illegal in the United States, but China has no law preventing its use. The water bag method entails filling the mother’s uterus with saline water and floating the baby out of the mother’s womb, where he or she can then be immediately dissected ALIVE.
In the second “source tissue material” section of the Walvax-2 paper it shows the intentionality of the abortions:
“Before the study, we made strict and comprehensive inclusion criteria in order to guarantee a high-quality cell strain: 1) gestational age 2 to 4 months; 2) induction of labor with the water bag method…
The tissues from the freshly aborted fetuses were immediately sent to the laboratory for the preparation of the cells.” (Emphasis added)
The Walvax-2 paper also clearly outlines the decades-long history of the human fetal cell industry, in addition to showing how the cell strain poises the industry for future growth. Consider the paper’s title, which itself proves that fetal cell lines are still being produced intentionally today. It reads “Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, Walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate cell substrate for vaccine production.” (Emphasis added)
The Human Fetal Cell Industry
The human fetal cell industry functioned for decades without the public’s awareness of its activities and inner workings. Slowly, parts of this industry have been exposed. This blog post aims to pull back the curtain FULLY. The three intertwined industries critical to the human fetal cell industry are:
- Research-Even from vaccine consumers who are providing the demand.
- Planned Parenthood-For providing the aborted babies.
- Third-party fetal tissue procurement companies-Who are the middlemen making the transaction “legal” in the United States.
Let’s dive into the research a little bit. Research has been to provide continuous demand for aborted babies’ organs, tissues and body parts. As history has shown, the demand, specifically from the vaccine industry, existed before Roe v. Wade, and became a built-in stream of profit for the abortion industry when it was legalized. In a 2017 letter to Congress, an organization representing researchers stated:
“Fetal tissue remains a critical resource to further researchers’ understanding of how human tissues develop and are affected by disease. Critical scientific advances, such as the development of vaccines against polio, rubella, measles, chickenpox, adenovirus, and rabies, depend on research using fetal tissue.” (Emphasis added)
Now let’s dive into Planned Parenthood a little bit. Planned Parenthood’s role is clear. Its practice of selling fetal body parts has been exposed through several investigations, the most recent of which was the undercover work of the Center for Medical Progress and testimony at the resulting Congressional hearing. Pro-life Christians are largely aware of these horrors. What many are unaware of, however, is that the demand for the sale of fetal body parts began from the vaccine industry. For example, abortion was legalized in 1973, and in 1975, the United States government through the National Institutes on Aging funded the research of the IMR-90 fetal cell line and went on to fund the research of the IMR-91 fetal cell line as well.
Last, let’s dive into Tissue Procurement Companies a little bit. The Congressional hearings also brought to light the existence of middlemen, third party companies, critical to the industry after a 1974 law made it illegal to profit from the sale of fetuses or their organs, tissues, or body parts. The tissue procurement companies protect organizations like Planned Parenthood and researchers by doing the work that would be illegal for them to do themselves. Their role is to obtain regular updates from Planned Parenthood on mothers and babies scheduled for abortion. Then they determine which babies are the “best fit”, match a baby to current requests from researchers, are present in the facility to conduct the dissection of the baby after abortion and mail the baby’s organs and/or tissues to the requesting recipient.
Understanding the full impact of this industry on women and babies is vital. What the human fetal cell industry has engaged in for more than half a century is exacerbated by two more hideous acts: altering abortion methods for tissue harvesting and an intentionally manipulated (or in some cases, nonexistent) informed consent process for mothers.
The Altering of Abortion Methods for Tissue Harvesting
“There is evidence that companies may be violating the law, by openly trafficking fetal body parts, influencing consent to donate and modifying abortion procedures.”
Multiple sources and investigations have found the modification of abortion procedures to be normal practice for abortions intended for organ and tissue harvesting. Walvax-2 is a good example of abortion modification, as the water bag method ensures live birth abortions, providing fresh fetuses for research.
The way babies’ organs and tissues are obtained is important to understand. According to Dr. C. Ward Kischer, a leading authority on human embryology, for the tissue to be viable for use in vaccines and research, it must be taken within minutes after abortion; at the most, five minutes.
Those critical minutes after abortion are the reason tissue procurement companies in the United States are intentional about choosing babies ahead of time and are present in the facility for the abortion in order to immediately dissect the baby and freeze his/her organs and tissues for shipping.
After investigating and conducting interviews, a 2016 House of Representatives report noted:
“The middleman company often embeds a tissue technician in a clinic on the days that abortions are performed. The procurement company pays the clinic on a per tissue basis. The number of saleable body parts in many ways depends upon the methodology of the doctor performing the abortion.”
The murder and live dissection of some babies without even the help of pain reliever was documented as far back as the 1960s in Sweden in the babies used for WI-38 and RA 27/3 research and development. It is evidenced again in a more recent story about a set of twins recounted by a former employee of a U.S. middleman company, who,
“…told of seeing babies wounded but alive after abortion procedures, and in one case a set of twins “still moving on the table” when clinicians from AGF (Anatomic Gift Foundation) began dissecting the children to harvest their organs. The children, he said, were ‘cuddling each other’ and ‘gasping for breath’ when medics moved in for the kill.”
In September 2019, two individuals from the Center for Medical Progress found themselves in court, defending their undercover video work against a host of charges. At the center of testimony during a portion of the hearing in California was a Stanford study that used live fetal heart tissue from a tissue procurement company working with Planned Parenthood. During the testimony,
“The CEO of StemExpress (tissue procurement company) essentially admitted in court Thursday that her biotech company supplies beating fetal hearts and intact fetal heads to medical researchers.”
The 2012 Stanford study stated in its “methods” section:
“In brief, human fetal hearts (StemExpress, Diamond Springs, CA) were perfused using a Langendorff apparatus, using Tyrode solution containing collagenase and protease.”
Stem cell expert Dr. Theresa Deisher explained when and how the Langendorff apparatus is used. A journalist in the courtroom summarized Deisher’s testimony stating:
“…in order to be used in research and on a Langendorff apparatus, a human fetal heart “has to be beating” when harvested from the baby. The heart must then “be arrested in a relaxed position” by perfusing it with a potassium solution to be transported to the research site, where it is started again electrically.” (Emphasis added)
According to the Liberty Counsel,
“Dr. Deisher said the nature of those studies indicated that the hearts had to be still beating when cut out, without anesthesia, from the aborted babies.”
Similarly, a 1952 polio vaccine study described beating hearts in the “specimens” they used:
“Human embryos of two and one-half to five months gestation were obtained…in many of the embryos the heart was still beating at the time of receipt in the virus laboratory.” (Emphasis added)
This 1952 study together with current testimony in California show the longitudinal intentionality of abortion modification in the industry.
The Lack of Informed Consent
Another sad reality is the lack of or intentionally manipulated informed consent of mothers donating their aborted babies for research. This has been evidenced consistently over the years. While referring to early fetal cell line research, Dr. Erling Norrby remarked,
“…at the time in the early 1960s when organs from aborted fetuses were collected and sent to the Wistar Institute no one had as yet invented the concept of informed consent.”
A few decades later, long after informed consent had become standard practice, interviews with tissue procurement company employees for a 20/20 investigation revealed,
“…by using legal “mumbo jumbo” it is easy to get women to “consent” to having their aborted babies used in medical experimentation.”
In 2015, Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director with firsthand knowledge of abortion clinics and procedures, validates the practices of harvesting of fetal tissue and manipulating informed consent, stating:
“During the season of tissue harvesting, an intact body was gold. An intact fetal body is considered perfection in the land of fetal tissue research. But dismembered body parts were okay, too…and that is usually what we gave them. I would check the patient’s chart to make sure that they had signed the consent for us to donate their baby’s remains. Almost every woman did, because we made it seem like that by donating, they were helping others…altruism during abortion.”
Recently, the House of Representatives hearing found Planned Parenthood to have “a consent process that fails to meet federal requirements”, stating,
“Planned Parenthood’s consent form was insufficient for obtaining informed consent…”
“…executives admitted that the form was legally insufficient.”
The Missing Piece
It is critical to have full knowledge of that which we are consenting to by using vaccines containing aborted fetal tissue. To do that, we must acknowledge all pieces of the puzzle. Pro-life Christians have acknowledged the evil being perpetrated by Planned Parenthood. We have begun to acknowledge the actions of third-party companies. Some have a vague awareness that research provides the demand, and it is this third part of the industry that we must see clearly.
Remember, demand for aborted babies for research was well established before Roe v. Wade. The human fetal cell industry has been providing the demand for aborted babies ever since abortion was made legal in the United States. We have been viewing an incomplete puzzle for years, and this is the piece we have been missing. As Christians, we have been addressing one or two parts of the industry, hoping and praying for change. This third piece must be addressed to create real, lasting change in the legality of abortion, the practices of Planned Parenthood, and the trafficking of fetal body parts.
It Is an Expanding Industry
Before 1960, animal cells were primarily used for culturing vaccines, and the industry consisted of just three injections – DTP, polio, and smallpox. Beginning with Hayflick’s research in 1961 and the introduction of human fetal cell lines, the vaccine industry grew into a $36.45 billion global industry by 2018 and is expected to reach $50.42 billion by 2023. Vaccines are a huge, profitable industry for pharmaceutical companies. The human fetal cell industry is a direct outgrowth of the vaccines they support.
What began with bordering the law by obtaining aborted babies from Sweden has grown into a large industry in the United States and has expanded to exporting our legally aborted and dissected babies to other countries for research.
- Fetal cell lines are now the standard in the industry.
- As previously mentioned, the existing cell lines are tumorigenic and need replacement.
- Over 260 new vaccines are currently in development, many of which want viable fetal cell lines for production.
- Not only does the childhood vaccine schedule continue to expand and increase demand, but the creation of an adult vaccine schedule is increasing demand as well.
The pharmaceutical vaccine industry using fetal cell lines is only gaining momentum.
In addition to all the fetal cell lines created and intended for vaccine use, the industry has expanded to develop and use fetal cell lines for other purposes, including other research, pharmaceutical medication, cosmetics, and research for food flavor enhancers.
The Deep Deception and Satanic Brainwashing.
“It was just two babies.”
“It was a long time ago.”
“WI-38 and MRC-5 were one-time events.”
“No more abortions are necessary.”
“Killing a preborn child is an ethically distinct act from that of producing a vaccine after the abortion has already been performed.”
“Vaccines provide so much good; God must be redeeming what Satan meant for evil.”
This blog post exposes the blatant human rights violations of the industry that has taken the lives of millions of babies, has often misled their mothers into consenting to donate their aborted babies for experimentation and has then intentionally tested their product on the most vulnerable populations among us.
Abortions and vaccine production are NOT separate events but are tied together. Data shows the intentionality of manipulated informed consent, altered abortion methods and immediate dissection of aborted babies in order to deliver live body parts, organs and tissues to researchers. These events CANNOT be seen apart from each other, and the ethical consequences of each CANNOT be swept under the rug.
In 2015, Walvax-2 murdered nine babies to create the most recent human fetal cell line for use in vaccination. That same year, some Christian ministries called on vaccine manufacturers to develop vaccines that do not rely on fetal tissue from aborted babies.
Considering its 60-year use of aborted babies for the development of human fetal cell lines, simply calling on vaccine manufacturers to stop is pitifully inadequate. Their ongoing actions and current trajectory make it clear they have no intention of stopping.
Without realizing it, we who have faithfully trusted the recommended vaccination schedule for our children for the better part of six decades have become unknowingly deceived in the abortive human fetal cell industry.
The Train Wreck of “Vaccines” and Current Events
How does the history of human fetal cell lines relate to current events?
The horrors of the inner workings of Planned Parenthood and the sale of baby body parts, organs and tissues have been exposed repeatedly. Recently, we have seen states move to expand abortion laws. Christians, watched in disbelief as New York passed a law allowing for abortion up until birth. Virginia proposed abortion up until the day of birth, with its governor clarifying that a mother could decide to abort her baby just after birth. Then, the federal Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act failed, thereby failing to require life-saving measures when a botched abortion causes a baby to be born alive.
Pro-life supporters could not conceive why anyone would allow for abortion up until birth or block a law that would simply mandate babies be saved after surviving abortion. Christians scratched their heads, trying to make sense of the horror. For good reason, it does not make sense. Focus on the Family was so deeply disturbed by how far the government had gone that it showed the world its support for life during its Alive from New York campaign.
How does all this relate to aborted fetal tissue and vaccines?
Just below the surface is the reason that ties it all together. The requirement that aborted fetal tissue be alive and obtained within five minutes of abortion, is the driver of the expanded legislation. It is also the driver of the failure of the federal legislation. The human fetal cell industry would suffer tremendously if doctors were required to save all aborted babies born alive.
Why Should Christians and Christian Ministries Stand Up and Act?
At Compassion With Kim, we believe that human beings are created by God in His image. Therefore, every person, from conception to natural death, possesses inherent dignity and immeasurable worth, which includes preborn children, elderly individuals, those with special needs and others marginalized by society. Christians, are called to defend, protect, and value all human life.
This bolded statement above summarizes what many Christians believe the Bible teaches about the inherent value and sanctity of all human life, and God’s call for us to defend and protect all those precious lives. Many individual Christians and Christian ministries fight hard against the abortion industry. Many have addressed Planned Parenthood and its fetal organ and tissue harvesting. Christians have fought to expose, and end threats to the sanctity of life. We were not silent during sad and disturbing recent events. Many pray for an end to abortion and work tirelessly with mothers and their children at crisis pregnancy centers and other ministries. Praise God for what so many faithful followers of Jesus have done to defend life and will no doubt continue to do in the future.
However, these actions will NOT result in what we hope until we address the ENTIRE industry. Planned Parenthood will not stop until its revenue source ceases to exist. To address the sanctity of life in FULL is to also address the VACCINE industry’s demand for fetal body parts. Accurately addressing that vaccines are developed and cultivated with fetal cell lines is vital to the fight for the sanctity of life. Anything less hinders our work in this arena. Consistency in our pro-life message is critical and can no longer be ignored.
In the area of vaccines, some Christians and ministries have unknowingly taken positions in contradiction to their own core value of the sanctity of human life and have based those positions on intentionally deceptive and incorrect information promoted by the industry itself. In contrast, the history presented here shows an industry, no matter how much perceived good it provides, that is built on a foundation of consistently violating the God-given value and dignity of preborn children for over half a century. The human fetal cell industry is large, rapidly expanding and growing more dependent on human fetal cell lines and aborted fetal tissue than ever before.
In order to provide accurate information to other Christians and ministry partners, we must consider the impact the following summary will have on our position regarding vaccines:
- The original intent of the development of fetal cell lines was for their use in producing vaccines.
- Over 100 aborted babies were used during the research and development of WI-38, RA 27/3, and MRC-5, while the narrative acknowledges only two abortions.
- Fetal cell lines are finite, become more tumorigenic over time and require replacement.
- New fetal cell lines, and the abortions supporting them, have been and continue to be in development since the mid-1960s.
- Hundreds of new vaccines, many wanting the use of aborted fetal cell substrates, are currently in development.
- Babies are intentionally aborted, sometimes surviving abortion and are often dissected ALIVE with NO pain relief.
- Mothers are often misled to provide consent for research, unaware of how abortion procedures are then modified and how their babies are being used.
- Abortions and research are completely tied together, they are NOT two separate events.
- This has been and continues to be an industry that only has a market because of our approval, support, and strong recommendation of the vaccines created using aborted fetal cell lines.
- The vaccine and human fetal cell industries are brutal and unethical and show little to no regard for human dignity.
On the one hand, we Christians champion the dignity and sanctity of all life; yet, on the other hand, we are supportive of an industry with a persistent track record of profiting from the murder of our youngest and most vulnerable. Yes, all of us want to protect our children from unnecessary pain and disease. However, our good intentions have blinded our ability to see the harsh reality of the human aborted fetal cell industry.
Believers’ unintentional support in aborted fetal cell line use for vaccine development has given rise to a strong, thriving industry that shows no sign of slowing down. The data and scientific literature give us every reason to assume this long-established practice will continue. There is no basis to assume aborted fetal cell line development will stop. In fact, with the significant increase in the number of vaccines in development and now the ever-expanding child and adult vaccination schedules, the market for aborted babies is only strengthening.
Consistent with the stand so many Christians have taken to defend the sanctity of life, we should also stand for these children who have no voice. Christians and Christian ministries should lead by example, particularly because of the strong positions we already take regarding the sanctity of every human life. The world is looking for integrity. Many are looking for accurate information. They rely on our commitment to the Lord, truth, and reliable content to help them make life impacting decisions on behalf of their families.
Please give this difficult issue deep and prayerful consideration as you seek the direction the Lord will take you and your ministry.
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV)
*Please Note: In late June 2019, the CDC website removed human fetal cell line WI-38 from its Vaccine Excipient Summary. However, WI-38 has not been removed from vaccines, and the ingredients on the vaccine package inserts have remained the same. The Vaccine Excipient Summary used for this blog post accurately reflects the pharmaceutical companies package inserts.
*”Now at 21 weeks, what they were doing, or 18 weeks, or 16 weeks, was what are called prostaglandin abortions. They would inject a substance into the womb. The woman would then go into mini-labor and pass this baby. Fifty percent of the time, the baby would be born alive, but that didn’t stop them. They would just simply open up the abdomen of the baby with no anesthesia and take out the liver and kidneys.” (Emphasis added)
Former abortion doctor, Bernard Nathanson, is referring to the abortion clinic in Sweden that both Dr. Hayflick and Dr. Plotkin used to obtain aborted babies for their research.
With love and purpose,
Kim Seymour LVN and Courtney Seymour
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Fetal Tissue in Vaccines, Studies on Orphans – Confirmed By Stanley Plotkin Under Oath