Statins: Are They a Curse or a Cure?
Statins: Are They a Curse or a Cure?
Did you know that people with high cholesterol live longer than people with low cholesterol? Not only do they live longer, they feel better, are more fit, more energetic, healthier, and happier.
“Saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet are not the cause of coronary heart disease. That myth is the greatest deception of this century, perhaps of any century.”
-George V. Mann, M.D.
Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University
Let’s take a quick cholesterol 101 class to learn the basics of this substance that is so critical to the functioning of every cell in your body.
Cholesterol is a fat that circulates in your bloodstream. It is essential because it is a building material for all body cells. It is a soft, fatty, waxy substance that constitutes the membrane of all cells, and makes them waterproof. When your body doesn’t make enough, your cell membranes become porous and leak. It is estimated that without cholesterol you would lose four to five gallons of fluid a day.
Around 85 percent of the cholesterol in your blood is made naturally in your liver while the rest is created from the food you eat. This is why nutrition is so important. If your body doesn’t get enough from your food, your liver will create more to make up the deficit, another reason why it’s so important to have a healthy liver. Your liver churns out between 2,000 and 3,000 milligrams daily. Your body knows intuitively that you need this critically important substance.
According to western (allopathic) medicine, high-density lipoproteins, or HDL, are the “good guys,” which help carry the low-density lipoproteins, or LDL, the “bad guys,” away from the artery walls and return them to the bloodstream, thereby preventing buildup on artery walls. In this scenario, an elevated LDL (bad) is associated with a greater risk of heart disease, and an elevated HDL (good) is associated with lower heart risks. As you will see, both these designations are misleading.
In order to keep the combined LDL and HDL numbers low, allopathic doctors and cardiologists recommend low-fat, low cholesterol diets, and cholesterol lowering drugs called statins.
What could be good about cholesterol when we’ve been taught to regard it as our enemy, as something to fear, or as something we want in extremely low amounts?
Here are some cholesterol facts:
- Cholesterol is your body’s repair substance. It’s a natural “sticky glue.” High levels are found in all scar tissue, including scar tissue in the arteries. Its natural stickiness is what helps cells hang together; without cholesterol we literally would fall apart.
- Cholesterol is critical to proper neurological functioning, especially in the brain and in the formation and retention of memory. The brain is the most cholesterol-rich organ in your body, and there is a direct correlation between the amount of cholesterol in your brain and how well it functions. Cholesterol constitutes over half the dry weight of your cerebral cortex! It is an essential element of myelin, the protective sheath that insulates nerves and keeps your brain and nervous system sharp and healthy. Your spinal cord and all nerves are richly supplied with cholesterol.
- Cholesterol is the precursor to vitamin D, the trigger for so many biochemical processes, including mineral metabolism and immune function.
- Bile salts, important to fat metabolism, are made of cholesterol. Many people whose cholesterol levels are too low from heredity, diet or drugs, have trouble digesting fat. This is also why God made us with gallbladders.
- Cholesterol is a building block for making sex and adrenal hormones that are important for maintaining energy, vitality, and libido.
- Cholesterol is vital for the proper functioning of your liver.
- Cholesterol is important in building bones and muscles.
- Cholesterol helps regulate blood sugar and repair damaged tissue.
- Cholesterol (LDL) protects against infection, especially bacterial infection.
This valuable substance has beneficial effects from your head to your toes. So why is it regarded as such a black cloud?
It’s because it has been demonized by both the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry for many years.
It began in the 1950’s when studies “linked” high consumption of animal and saturated fats with high rates of heart disease and a new disease called “hypercholesterolemia”, a.k.a high cholesterol, was born. Soon doctors figured out a way to measure cholesterol levels in blood, clinical trials were run, and the formulation of a new paradigm was born…
“The Cholesterol Theory of Heart Disease”
This flawed “theory” (known as “the lipid hypothesis”) had extensive consequences because it radically changed our eating habits. We have been told to eat trans-fat margarine, fake eggs, polyunsaturated and hydrogenated oils, imitation bacon, etc. It has made all fats bad and all carbohydrates good, contributing to our skyrocketing cases of diabetes and obesity. It weaseled its way into “clinical practice guidelines” and “standards of care” protocols which doctors are expected to follow. Subsequently it initiated the invasive heart surgery industry, based on the impression that cholesterol-laden blockages must be bypassed or propped open with wire tunnels called stents.
This new theory led to the creation of a new class of medications, statins, which became the biggest moneymakers in pharmaceutical history, achieving more than $15 billion in sales worldwide every year. In order to sell the drugs, pharmaceutical companies launched a massive marketing campaign to “fat bash” and sell the public on the “dangers” of cholesterol and saturated fat in general. Unfortunately, we fell for it.
Now we are reaping what they have sown, by witnessing the “side effects” of low fat, low cholesterol diets, and statin drugs. The “heart healthy” diet that has been thrusted upon Americans for over four decades has fueled both our epidemics of heart disease and cancer. On these treatments the body deteriorates and disease becomes inevitable.
Here’s why,
If, through diet or drugs, you do not have enough cholesterol in your body to perform the above 1 through 9 functions, you could experience at some point: soreness and destruction of muscle (including the heart), liver and kidney damage, increased rate of cancer, suppression of the immune system, depression of mental alertness, violent behavior, anemia, pancreatitis, acidosis, cataracts, fevers, fatigue, and even death. Incredibly, the statin, Zocor, comes with a 22 page warning disclosure brochure that you can view here!
These are the more common side effects of all statins:
- Congestion and persistent cough
- Muscle pain and weakness
- Allergic reactions, such as wheezing, itching, skin rashes
- Upper respiratory infections
- Decreased libido
- Difficulty sleeping
- Constipation
- Dizziness or light headedness
- Headache
- Heartburn or indigestion
- Excessive gas or belching
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- The high cost of statins (between $900 and $1,700 or more a year), plus all the other drugs you will need to treat the above symptoms for the rest of your life!
Statins consist of a major design flaw. They lower cholesterol levels by reducing an enzyme in your liver that cuts down on the production of cholesterol. Statins not only reduce the production of cholesterol, but they also reduce another enzyme called coenzymeQ10, (CoQ10), an enzyme so critical it is used by every cell in your body, and is vital to your heart health! Statins attack and destroy your heart’s single most important nutrient! One of the most dangerous side effects of statins is this ability to cripple and create deficiencies of CoQ10. Your heart requires enormous amounts in order to work properly, especially concerning your heart’s pumping strength. Without it your heartbeat would stop. Statin induced CoQ10 depletion can lead to a decline in left ventricular heart function. A CoQ10 deficiency also accelerates DNA damage and premature aging.
Without CoQ10 muscles become sore and weak, leading to muscle wasting, severe back pain, neuropathy, inflammation of tendons and ligaments, which can rupture, and eventually heart failure.
Low cholesterol increases the risk of congestive heart failure (CHF). The pharmaceutical sharks have created statins that claim to cut down on the incidence of coronary artery disease, which can actually create a more critical disease called heart failure! Now you get to take two kinds of drugs instead of one: One for prevention of heart disease and the other for a heart disease caused by the drug.
Stop the insanity!
Many doctors and cardiologists receive monetary gifts from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their drugs!
Another major concern is medical liability. Doctors are reluctant to do anything that does not meet with FDA approval, and are pressured to comply with the requirements of their insurance carriers. Doctors are trained in medical school to react rather than think outside the box. And they are trained to react by reaching for their prescription pads.
Those doctors who dare to think for themselves are likely to be hauled before medical boards for non-conformity and risk losing their medical licenses. Do not expect answers to questions you ask concerning prescription drugs to be unbiased. Their experience mainly lies with synthetic chemicals. This, I believe, is the reason why God took me out of western medicine. I am a “think outside the box” nurse. I believe God was protecting my nursing license while saving Courtney’s life.
One of the most dangerous side effects of statins is the terrible toll it takes on muscles. Muscle pain and weakness are very common in statin users, and patients should be warned to stop taking them immediately if they experience any pain. Remembering that the heart is a muscle, it’s not hard to understand why. Statins kill people with rhabdomyolysis, a severe and potentially fatal muscle wasting disease. It occurs when muscles weaken and fall apart, oozing a protein, myoglobin, into their bloodstream. Once in your bloodstream, these harmful proteins travel to your kidneys, clog the filters of your kidney and inflict massive damage. Sometimes the kidneys are rendered useless and the patient must go on dialysis to live.
Another side effect is that statins have been shown to inhibit Vitamin D production. Low cholesterol levels are also associated with violent behavior, anxiety, suicide, depression, bi-polar disease, post-operative delirium, and increased mortality from cancer. Since the brain is so cholesterol dense, low cholesterol levels can cause the brain to shrink!
FDA required trials do not even report memory loss attributable to the use of statins.
Pharmaceutical companies often divide similar adverse effects into six or more different categories in order to keep their more frightening side effects under a certain number! For example, memory loss can be divided into confusion, senility, amnesia, inability to concentrate, disorientation, etc. If you totaled the categories, you would get a big memory loss number.
Can’t let the public know that!
These kinds of number games are played all the time in pharmaceutical trials. Even the prestigious American Journal of Medicine wrote in 2004, “Based on the evidence now available, 100 percent of statin users can expect a decrease of cognitive function.”
Chemicals such as statins don’t belong in the human body. That is what their “side effects” are trying to tell us. The body communicates with us in the only language it knows: symptoms. Our bodies get our attention by creating uncomfortable symptoms and manifesting even more uncomfortable dis-eases in an effort to tell us it is unhappy dealing with substances it doesn’t recognize, or know how to handle, or eliminate. Are we hearing and paying attention to its frantic cries?
According to allopathic (western) medicine, high cholesterol causes coronary artery disease (CAD). If true, then why do people with high cholesterol levels have less coronary heart disease? Over half of the people who have heart attacks or strokes do not have elevated cholesterol levels!
If high cholesterol causes coronary heart disease, then wouldn’t lowering cholesterol through diet and drugs parallel lower rates of coronary heart disease? But it does not. Older people with low cholesterol die twice as often from heart attacks compared to people with high cholesterol.
If high cholesterol caused coronary heart disease, wouldn’t it be reflected in high heart disease rates in all populations across the board, in both males and females, in all ages, in all disease categories? It does not. Heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis rates have not fallen one bit since statins were introduced. Not a single study shows statins work for women, whether they have heart disease or not.
High cholesterol continues to be associated with longevity in old people, and consistently occurs in people with the lowest mortality.
What is the bottom line?
People with HIGH cholesterol live longer. Period.
Coronary artery disease is a very deadly disease and should not be taken lightly. It is complicated by many variables, but reduced to its simplest terms; any layman can easily comprehend how plaque forms in the arteries.
It works like this:
Something first initiates tiny wounds in the delicate lining of the coronary artery. This causes inflammation and/or infection. In response, the immune system takes action. It uses waxy cholesterol and calcium to patch up the wound in an effort to seal it off and prevent it from rupturing or leaking. Under that seal, cholesterol and bacteria clot over the site which can obstruct blood flow causing angina and other symptoms. Clogging appears at the bends of arteries, which is exactly where the plumbing in your home gets clogged up, right? Sometimes clogged arteries develop rough edges, and clots break loose and travel to the lung causing a pulmonary embolism, or to the brain causing a stroke. The link between elevated cholesterol levels and strokes has NEVER been established.
Therefore, inflammation is always the precursor to heart disease. Even though it has no outward symptoms, it is one of the most serious indicators of heart disease. During inflammation or infection, C-reactive protein (CRP) is secreted from the liver. This is a test that your doctor can order to reveal the level of inflammation in your body. Many cardiologists believe that high levels of CRP are a much stronger risk factor for coronary artery disease than cholesterol.
If it is true that heart disease follows inflammation, then high cholesterol may actually protect you from cardiovascular disease instead of causing it!
It’s because of its anti-infection and anti-inflammatory properties. Cholesterol, by constantly compressing down inflammation and repairing the damage done by inflammation, keeps infections from becoming overwhelming.
But more important questions to ask are: What is causing the inflammation? And what is tearing up the delicate lining of the coronary artery?
The answer is…the yeast/beast.
Known contributors to inflammation are recreational and prescription drugs, high blood pressure, smoking, excess insulin, easily oxidized omega-6 vegetable oils (e.g., corn, soy, peanut, safflower, canola, cottonseed), being overweight, an increased consumption of plaque producing sugar, and trans fatty acids. All of these irritate and inflame the delicate lining of the coronary arteries, creating piles of decaying cells, which makes the perfect environment for Candida overgrowth to happen.
Now there is a mess of gashes, pits and gouges in the delicate lining of the coronary arteries. Now cholesterol comes to the rescue. Soon the injuries are patched up and smoothed out. But the host had a ham and cheese sandwich with pickles and beer and topped it off with an ice cream bar. The partying yeast just moved on to another site in the artery, and the whole process starts all over again. Over time, cholesterol scabs, or plaques, build up and blood flow becomes impaired by the blockages. Eventually coronary artery disease happens and here comes a prescription for statins.
True, statins do work, and do reduce cholesterol levels by blocking its formation. But what does a cholesterol test actually measure?
It measures yeast levels!
If you have high cholesterol, it means that your yeast levels are high because the yeast is busy and cholesterol is needed to repair the damage and put out the fire of inflammation. Statins’ greatest benefit is taming inflammation, not lowering cholesterol.
Cholesterol does not cause heart disease any more than firemen cause fires!
The crazy thing is statins were originally used as antifungals! That is why cholesterol levels come down with their use. Statins kill fungi and reduce inflammation. With much of the fungi out of the way, less damage is done and the need for cholesterol is reduced. Studies on mice with osteoporosis have shown that when given statins, the mice grew bone!
Statins reduced the fungi that were eating bone.
Nutrition and natural antifungal supplements accomplish the same thing, without the expense and without the risks, by addressing the underlying cause of high cholesterol and atherosclerosis, which is chronic inflammation from the original arterial injuries and the ensuing overgrowths of fungi and their harmful mycotoxins. Not many Americans taking statins for their heart health understand that they are merely treating the symptoms of this condition and not the cause.
Statins do NOT protect against heart attack or prevent premature death. They also do NOT lower the overall death rate from heart disease but increase the death rate from all causes. They never have been proven beneficial to women. They can endanger your heart.
So what is the point in taking them?
Why would anyone take them and run the risk of deadly side effects?
They simply enrich the pharmaceutical companie$. And American$ who are taking statin$ are being told to $tay on them for the re$t of their live$.
One of the most closely guarded secrets of the pharmaceutical industry is the NNT, which stands for “numbers needed to treat.” It is a crucial health statistic you probably never heard of and that pharmaceutical companies leave out of their ads. It states the number of patients that would need to be treated with a medical therapy to prevent one bad outcome. In other words, it is the number of persons that would need to be treated before one person gets good results. What a deal for Big Pharma! Pharmaceutical companies continuously manipulate numbers in their favor. And the proof of this can be found in their own research!
More and more medical and research experts are beginning to suspect that cholesterol has little or nothing to do with heart disease, as more studies are coming out that do not support, and even contradict, the cholesterol hypothesis.
So why lower cholesterol if it’s NOT the cause of heart disease?
The lunacy continues as statin manufacturers are lobbying hard to get statins added to our public water supply, just like fluoride. They are also pushing for statins to be sold over-the-counter (OTC) and urging doctors to prescribe statins to children as young as eight, completely ignoring the risks to their immune systems, or the potential damage to their growing muscles, nerves, brains, etc. No long term studies have been done as to the safety and efficacy of statins in children. Leading millions of new, gullible victims to succumb to the hype and also risk of an early and painful demise. Statin mania is reaching new heights as Big Pharma’s integrity seems to be falling to new lows.
So, you can see that cholesterol, particularly high cholesterol, has received a bum rap for many years. But it is neither a reliable sign of an impending heart attack, nor is it the cause of heart disease. Cholesterol is your friend.
Thirty years ago, the cholesterol level of 300 for a male was considered “normal”. Anything over that was met with a prescription for statins. Ka-ching! Twenty years ago it was lowered by the “experts” to 240 for men and women. Ka-ching, ka-ching! Now it is being lowered from 200 to 180 and being prescribed for children. Ka-ching, ka-ching,…JACKPOT!
The lower the number the higher the profit$ for Big Pharma.
There are safer, simpler, easier, cheaper, and more effective ways to normalize total cholesterol levels into the 200-240 range without the use of dangerous statins.
- Follow yeast-free and antifungal nutrition.
- Normalize insulin levels by eliminating refined sugars and cutting down (or eliminating) most grains.
- Consider a 3 in 1 probiotic/antifungal/digestive enzyme found here, or a yeast fighter found here (ID #12668940). Other antifungals are Caprylic acid, olive leaf extract, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, and Pau D’ Arco tea which are all excellent and found in health food stores.
- Consider supplementing with omega 3 fatty acids found here, CoQ10, Vitamins C, D, B complex found here, flax oil and curcumin found in health food stores.
- Consider supplementing omega 6 found here.
- Consider supplementing omega 3 found here. And omega 3 rich foods in your nutrition, including avocados, nuts (walnuts especially), seeds (pumpkin and sunflower), fish (salmon), fish oils, flaxseed and flax oils.
- Niacin found here.
- All arterial plaque contains cholesterol, but unfortunately lowering your cholesterol levels does not clean out your arteries. One of the best cleaners of arterial plaque is lecithin, found in your health food store. It melts away hardened cholesterol plaque. Normally HDL cholesterol scrubs arteries clean because it contains much more lecithin than our LDL particles! One or two tablespoons of lecithin granules a day, sprinkled on soups, salads, stews or smoothies is recommended.
In the words of Professor A.V. Constantini, M.D., retired head of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Mycotoxins in Food, “There is a known cause of atherosclerosis and that cause is fungi and their mycotoxins.”
Courtney and I couldn’t agree more!
Kim Seymour LVN and Courtney Seymour
Call me or text me if you need me
Remington, Jane. Recaging the Beast. Aerie LLC, 2012.
It’s the law that I tell you that dietary supplements are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as foods, not as drugs.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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