Hey there!…Here’s our story.
Thanks for stopping by to learn more about Courtney and me and who we are.
I had a successful career as a western medicine nurse when my daughter, Courtney, became very sick in 2015. After a year of four different doctors (three of them being specialists) and many medication regimen changes, she was getting worse, not better. I just knew that my western medicine profession would be able to figure out what was wrong with her. She was 23 years old. She was down to 81 pounds and dying. She was experiencing severe chest pain almost daily and abdominal pain constantly. I took her to the ER five times in one week for chest pain. All five times we were sent home empty handed.
I took her to a GI specialist and he agreed to do an EGD. However, before the EGD he wanted to do a CT. The CT showed fluid on her heart. Apparently it had been there for a while and it was being secretly monitored! I was told they are not supposed to take fluid off the heart until it reaches a certain amount! She was admitted and she had to have a pericardial window to drain the fluid off.
In 2016, I was introduced to supplements. We decided to try them because doctors had given up on Courtney and were suggesting a psychiatric evaluation. I started her on supplements and she rode a health roller coaster. However, she did gain some weight! She was up to 100 pounds! She was getting better on the supplements and God started closing the doors on western medicine, for me to stay home with her and take care of her. I started my home based business.
Through our supplement company, I had learned that Courtney had candida overgrowth. In researching about candida overgrowth, I began understanding that God had saved her life and He lead me to these amazing supplements! Then God opened a door for me and prompted me to educate others on candida awareness.
Courtney was finally accused of doing drugs and labeled a drug seeker by western medicine. We were told that it was “time to accept that our lives would just be this way”.
I wanted to know why. Why was our lives suddenly turned upside down?
With my gaining knowledge of candida overgrowth in May of 2017, I found an alternative practitioner through our supplement company.
While in this alternative practitioners office, I noticed they had a clean water system. I started asking questions and learning about how harmful it is to drink bottled water, because of climate engineering. The more knowledge I gained, it prompted me to buy our clean water system. If you want to know more about this system, then let’s talk!
Still researching, I began to understand that our home environment that we live in needs to be cleaned with natural essential oils instead of harsh chemicals. Again, if you want to know more about our essential oils, let’s talk!
Then, during the summer of 2018, I started to wonder about heavy metals and vaccines. I spoke with our, at the time, alternative practitioner about testing. We decided to do muscle testing. We muscle tested Courtney against her vaccination record and she tested against every vaccine she has ever received! She also tested positive for mercury, gold and paladium!
The Gardasil and flu vaccines are what almost caused her demise. Long story short, today she is at the end of her healing journey!
She has all detox pathways open, her body has detoxed, and now her brain is detoxing. Her brain has been detoxing since January 2019 and I have my social butterfly back!
We are now ex-vaxxers and we do not take any medications!
Courtney has overcome candida overgrowth, vaccine injuries and heavy metals poisoning!
Now we have a vision to help you!
We have learned that we have to be open to learning new things about the practices of our modern-day society, or God’s efforts to prevent tragedy will have been lost because of our pride.
Today, Courtney and I are very passionate about helping you and your family see things for the way they really are. And not just with our food supply, but with the tools God has put in our path. Stepping back and working to see things differently has helped us continue to see more things around us from a heavenly perspective.
If you are interested in our supplements check them out here.
If you are interested in our clean water systems, check them out here. My ID # is 7322664 and my email is kim.seymore@sbcglobal.net. If your curious, we own a K8.
If you are interested in our essential oils check them our here. My ID # is 12668940.
Call or text me at 806-382-7979 if you are interested in FREE coaching with your healing journey.
Come get healthy with us!
Thanks for checking us out. We are honored that you read a little bit about “Our Story”.
We are now hosting an amazing community called “Candida Overgrowth, Vaccine Injury & Heavy Metals Poisoning Healing Journey”. Dedicated to educating on how to overcome candida overgrowth, vaccine injuries and detoxing from heavy metals, so you can start your journey in the right direction and get your life back. We want to invite you to take a deeper look at what I wish I would have found so many years ago. This is where we pay it forward and help you create a breakthrough in your health.
Warning: Clicking this link changed our lives and
we know it can change yours too!
Kim Seymour LVN and Courtney Seymour