And He did not let him but He said to him, “Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.”
Mark 5:19
Shanna Hamby Hendrix
“My husband, and my son but most especially my daughter, have all struggled with yeast over growth. My son has had continuous sinus infections about every two months for years and then would continue the cycle of taking round after round of antibiotics /steroids only to end up with it again. My daughter has struggled for months with frequent infections, IBS related symptoms, insomnia, migraines and about 100 other symptoms. Since starting them all on Probio5 and the divine intervention of Kim Seymour and all the help she provided, walking us through taking these magic, gut -healing supplements, I can say that my son has not had a sinus infection in a year, my husband’s allergies are under control and his gut health is where it should be and my daughter has been able to return to school after being out a full year due to symptoms. I credit my Lord and Savior as well as Plexus’ products with her recovery. Thank you again and again to Kim and Courtney for all of their patience and support and for answering my endless questions! If you are considering these products, look no further. God Bless ❤️”
Ronda Douglas
“I want to get give a BIG THANK YOU to Kim Seymour for always answering my question and for all her advice and never have to wait long for a answer. I just wish that more doctors would recognize Candida as a real problem and that NPath were covered by Insurance companies would make life a little easier. Thanks again Kim
Vicki Lynn Berens
“I do know that since starting the probio5 I no longer have tinnitus in my ear!”
Phyllis Kaye
“I have dropped 5 lbs by taking your supplements and eating a plant based diet! I have cut out all processed foods! I am sleeping better too! The cravings for sweets are gone! I will also add I have been “reacting/dealing” better to stress (clearer headed). I have more energy! I hope this statement helps others.”
Matthew Golbek
“I was doing plexus at the beginning of my sobriety and stopped but have continued healthy eating to stay away from feeding yeast or anything harmful for candida…its been a large mixture of all 3 that has pulled me through!…I’ve noticed my body really goes south of I fall of the nutritonal part of everything!…its literally done me wonders…i suffer from major anxiety and its subsided alot,my skin looks amazingly better, energy is up, and even have been losing weight!
Plexus was a very healthy cleanse and I felt a difference there…I do need to get back to using it again
I also have hired a coach at the gym who’s a recovering alcoholic whos also into the holistic field, hes on board with all this as well!
Thank u so much…and I appreciate your help with the diet and nutrion…its been a hell of a road
I weighed in at 340pnds, the biggest I had ever been, I had no self esteem and hated to even go in public…I had lost myself in a narcissistic relationship and quit the fitness life and anything that made me happy…I was so depressed there was days I didnt even wanna be alive and at one point ended up in the ER from attempting overdose…i would drink about 40 beers a day, and if it wasnt drinking it was heavy drug use!…today I am down 55pnds, with a current weight of 285pnds!…my anxiety is much lower, and I wake up each morning thanking God for my many blessings!…theres a bible verse that I hold close, meaning it’s ok to fall but dont quit!
“The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.”
Proverbs 24:16 NLT”
Khadija Deason
“So I’ve been kims FB friend for probably two years going through all the candida symptoms, food allergies and then came the body oder. I waited so long with just trying to deal with my sickness and not trying to fix my gut that my gut is producing TMAU bodu oder. I waited too long and now I’m really suffering and always made an excuse on not having enough money, but this probio 5 is my lifesaver! I wish that I didn’t wait so long to take action with my health. This is a very honest 5 star review compared to all the fake stare reviews on Amazon. My body oder has become a prison sentence. Ok this is how I know this stuff works. June I orderd my first shipment after a month I passed Candida through stool and noticed I had more energy, vaginal oder and burning gone, sugar craving went down, and the most important one for me is the B.O was gone and I could finally go to the store with my anxiety being not so bad, then came July and couldn’t afford it and now all my symptoms are back and want to scream. Thanks Kim for giving up on me and sharing all your knowlege.”
Sharon Vogts
I was feeling real tired. Then I started on the CBD oil and now I have energy!
Special thanks for all the kind words.
“To your health”
Kim Seymour