Gardening For The Gut

Gardening For The Gut

Are you looking to understand Candida Overgrowth and How it Affects You?

Do you want to know what Candida overgrowth is?

Your ratio is supposed to be 80/20. Eighty percent of good bacteria and twenty percent of bad bacteria in your gut.

We are all born with Candida. God put a microscopic amount of fungus, called Candida, in our guts because Candida is what decomposes us when we die. It’s a hidden fungus. However, as we go through our life span and make wrong choices it becomes an overgrowth. Since you are reading this it probably means you are ready to get this overgrowth under control. Courtney and I are here to help you gain control of the yeast/beast in your life.

When you take antibiotics, steroids, birth control, eating processed foods, etc. you are killing the good bacteria in your gut and the good bacteria won’t come back on it’s own. You have to do something to build them back up.

So to keep the good population of bacteria healthy we have to do some…gardening for your gut.


You have to clean out the flower bed of your gut. Get rid of dead plants, trash and weeds. You have to make sure the soil is healthy and established before you put any new plants into it.

Our probiotic is a 4 in 1 fungal killer. It is a combination of 5 probiotic strains (including Saccharomyces Boulardii which is a beneficial yeast that works as a fungal killer), a proprietary blend of 4 digestive enzymes (including Chitosanase which breaks down the tough exoskeleton of Candida overgrowth and is also an antifungal), and 2 more antifungals including Grape Seed Extract and Vitamin C. It has 2 billion live cells or CFUs (colony forming units). This supplement has the potential to put you into what is called “die-off”. To help alleviate die-off we recommend lavender essential oil (ID # 12668940).

This blog post will explain die-off (or detox) in detail.

We have an extremely gentle bowel cleanser that removes harmful substances such as backed up stool (also known as poop! LOL). It has a bioflavonoid complex that helps support your body’s natural detox process. It does NOT produce a laxative or enema effect. It is VERY gentle 🙂

Did you know that the average person has 8 pounds of backed up stool in their colon? Can you imagine? 8 pounds!

Now you have your garden ready! What’s next?


You have cleaned out the bad stuff. Now for seeding the garden of your gut. In this process you are putting in those beautiful plants!

This probiotic has 20 billion CFUs (colony forming units) and 8 strains. Dairy allergy alert! This supplement stabilizes stress hormones, promotes relaxation and is great for adrenal fatigue sufferers. Helps reduce GI distress and supports a healthy immune system. Helps to overcome anxiety and mood disorders. However, Courtney and I are allergic to dairy so we can not use this probiotic.


You have this newly planted garden! What are you going to feed it?

Courtney and I suggest this Refreshing drink that Promotes the Growth of Good gut microbes.

You have put in these beautiful new plants, now you need to feed them! You want to keep them growing, right? (Miracle Grow without the chemicals!) This Refreshing drink balances blood sugar (with Chromium), lowers cholesterol, and helps control weight (with Akkermansia). It has XOS (prebiotic fiber) which feeds only good gut bacteria.

Remember, you have to do the Weeding and Seeding Before Feeding so you are NOT putting Miracle Grow on your weeds! You don’t want to keep those nasty weeds. Have you noticed when weeds get wet they put off a foul odor? However, when some flowers get wet they give off a pleasant fragrance. Ahhhh…

Polyphenols are micronutrients that are antioxidants which are found abundantly in fruits and vegetables. They prevent and slow progression of disease. Akkermansia is a fat fighter found in the gut microbiome of people who are lean. There are low levels in people who are overweight or have a metabolic issue.


How are you going to protect your garden (your gut)?

With our High Potency Multivitamin and Multimineral! Do you take a multivitamin that is multimineral too?

Our multivitamin is formulated with Aloe which Drastically Increases absorption of nutrients AND decreases inflammation. Does your multivitamin do this? It’s a Great B-complex vitamin with the most Bioavailable forms (methylated for MTHFR). It has vitamin D which is a prohormone and polyphenols. It’s packed with 19 vitamins and minerals including selenium for thyroid issues such as Hashimoto’s. It can give you more clarity, boost in energy, and improvement in mood. It has Grapeseed Extract which helps to reduce hot flashes.


gardening for the gutgardening for the gut


Chronic sinus infections gone!

Inner ear infections gone!

44 pounds and 20 inches gone!

Warts and fever blisters gone!

Sugar cravings gone!



gardening for the gut

Increased immunity!

Has gained 8 pounds!

Absorbing nutrients!

No stomach pain!

Walking by herself!




There are Thousands upon Thousands of less than average supplements that could actually cause an adverse effect. If your open to a FREE consultation call or text 806-382-7979.