Author: Kim Seymour

Kim Seymour is a devoted Christian, a mother of two, author, nurse, holistic health coach, educator, medical researcher, and health freedom advocate, After almost losing her daughter, Courtney, to candida overgrowth, vaccine injuries and heavy metals poisoning, Kim refused to accept the notion that her daughter was not going to heal. She began a quest to learn all she possibly could about alternative treatments such as supplements, nutrition, essential oils, clean water systems, CBD oil and how to properly detox heavy metals. This quest eventually lead her to the hidden truths about candida overgrowth, vaccines and heavy metals. Kim has recently co-authored a book with her daughter called Courtney's Healing Journey. She is looking forward to a future of public speaking at their future book signings. Kim is already writing her second book and expecting to author more books in the future. Kim will be speaking from personal experience and extensive research. Kim has touched the hearts and changed the lives of many people around the world.
the aftermath of antibiotics 26 Jun

The Aftermath of Antibiotics

The Aftermath of Antibiotics One of the greatest discoveries is the antibiotic. In lifesaving situations it can be miraculous. Untold numbers of lives have been saved since their beginning in the 1940’s. They are important in a provision. Antibiotics were discovered in 1928 when a biologist, Alexander Fleming, Professor of Bacteriology at St. Mary’s Hospital
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toxic heavy metals 13 May
The "Pandemic" That Didn't Pan Out 21 Mar
Autism...A Lost Generation? 15 Feb

Autism…A Lost Generation?

Autism…A Lost Generation? Autism is something terrible that is happening to our children. Thirty years ago hardly anyone heard of autism. In the 1980’s the incidence was recorded as 1 in 10, 000 births. Today it is recorded as 1 in 59 and still climbing. Today, we have a lost generation. What could possibly account
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Vaccines: Prescription for Disaster? 29 Jan
Statins: Are They a Curse or a Cure? 10 Jan
the rise of big pharma 10 Dec
the rise of big pharma 5 Nov
how to overcome candida naturally 20 Oct
does a cell have consciousness 27 Sep

Does a Cell Have Consciousness?

Does a Cell Have Consciousness? Negative and unmanaged emotions set the stage before disease makes its appearance in the mind-body connection. They will feed the disease unless they are resolved, removed, and forgiven. After the negative memories and emotions are addressed, you can re-program your subconscious mind in order to “seal the healings.” “Mind is
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