Author: Kim Seymour

Kim Seymour is a devoted Christian, a mother of two, author, nurse, holistic health coach, educator, medical researcher, and health freedom advocate, After almost losing her daughter, Courtney, to candida overgrowth, vaccine injuries and heavy metals poisoning, Kim refused to accept the notion that her daughter was not going to heal. She began a quest to learn all she possibly could about alternative treatments such as supplements, nutrition, essential oils, clean water systems, CBD oil and how to properly detox heavy metals. This quest eventually lead her to the hidden truths about candida overgrowth, vaccines and heavy metals. Kim has recently co-authored a book with her daughter called Courtney's Healing Journey. She is looking forward to a future of public speaking at their future book signings. Kim is already writing her second book and expecting to author more books in the future. Kim will be speaking from personal experience and extensive research. Kim has touched the hearts and changed the lives of many people around the world.
the rise of big pharma 25 Oct

Candida Overgrowth History

Candida Overgrowth History “So here is a disease from an organism doctors admit exists chronically in the body, whose presence shows up on laboratory antibody tests, which arguably causes immense physical and psychological problems, the elimination of which can bring dramatic reversals of sickness. Yet, most traditional doctors don’t ‘believe’ in it.”  …Dr. Stuart M.
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the rise of big pharma 20 Oct

Candida Overgrowth? How?

Candida Overgrowth? How? One tiny little organism, called Candida, unknowingly allowed to run amuck because of overgrowth, has the potential to prematurely recycle you! It also has the potential to bankrupt you, if you don’t take action! We are all paying a price for this “marvelous” medical technology and science, hence the need for Candida
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the rise of big pharma 12 Oct